Have you noticed how strangers on the internet often express hatred and say degrading things to people they’ve never met? At Turnaround Marriage, we’ve encountered all sorts of comments – from accusations that “Christianity is spousal abuse” to claims that “Marriage is the problem” and even personal attacks calling us “intellectually stunted.”
Years ago, these comments used to discourage and even derail us. But now they fuel our mission for Christian marriage renewal!
The Truth Behind the Negativity
The TRUTH is that so many people are hurting. And hurt people, hurt people. Certainly, many do hate God and His ways. Anger and hate fill many hearts. Many suffer in their marriages and have begun to believe nothing could ever change – that a painful, disconnected marriage is their destiny.
Often, it is NOT THEIR FAULT.
They have been trying to do marriage in their own way: the only way they knew how. Or in the way they were taught. Or in the way the culture has shown them. Only to learn over time that it was simply not working.
The Journey to Christian Marriage Transformation
That’s why people come to us. They have been working harder and harder doing what does not work. Maybe they have even “tried marriage help,” but their marriage did not change much.
Then, they come to us realizing that things need to truly change, that they need a better way of doing family, marriage…and even life.
And when they begin to do the necessary work…and learning how to align with God’s design for their lives and marriages – hope begins to flood in. Then, hope gives way to excitement. Then joy and fun!
Real Stories of Transformation
As one client just told us, “If you would have told me that things could change so quickly, I would not have believed you!”
We’ve worked with business owners, lawyers, truck drivers, teachers, doctors, executives, business professionals, construction workers, nurses, engineers, therapists, stay at home moms, and more. And they are usually amazed at how much they can heal, change, and grow in a short season.
God’s Role in Marriage Transformation
We are massively confident in our approach. Not just because we believe Turnaround Marriage is the best way to heal a marriage – but because we know the One who DOES the healing.
God has in His heart so much healing for His people! He is able to heal – but so often people choose the dysfunction instead of His plan (without seeing it). They believe that which is not true (Satan’s lies). And until someone helps to point those things out and shift their perspective, not much will change.
Our Unique Approach to Christian Marriage Transformation
Our strategy to help heal and strengthen the individual at the same time as the marriage is the best strategy out there, because if you are one flesh, you MUST work on both simultaneously.
It is amazing…and we have come to expect the miraculous. Because miracles are the norm!
Your Path to Marriage Transformation
So what about you!? Maybe things have been bad for a long time. Maybe you think you are just destined to be stuck. Maybe it feels like God won’t even answer your prayers.
We want to encourage you to begin the path of the impossible today:
- Check out our free masterclass, “The 5 Simple Shifts Christians Make to Turn their Marriage Around Quickly” at www.turnaroundmarriage.live
- Book a breakthrough call with us at www.turnaroundmarriage.com/call/
After you have seen the masterclass and it resonates with you, let’s hop on a call and have a powerful conversation about where you have been stuck. Let’s talk about what’s been so hard. But then we want to talk about the path of healing with you and the strategy and support you will need to get there.
Be prepared to take action on that call – be prepared to take the initiative to move forward starting that plan right away.
These steps could change your life like it has for hundreds of Christians.