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Christian Marriage Transformation

Are you seeking a powerful Christian marriage transformation? Turnaround Marriage offers a revolutionary approach to marriage coaching that’s changing lives in weeks, not months or years. Let’s explore how this program can help you experience rapid healing and renewed connection in your relationship.

Christian couple experiencing marriage transformation through faith-based coaching

What If There Was a Better Way?

Imagine a world without endless rehashing of the past. A world where your marriage heals in weeks, not years. No need for a referee between you and your spouse. Healing happens rapidly, with God as your partner. Feel encouraged and equipped, not beaten down. Have the tools for a healthy relationship at your fingertips. See a clear path for Christian-based, transformational growth. Let stress, depression, and overwhelm fade away. This better way exists. It’s called Turnaround Marriage.

Introducing Turnaround Marriage

Turnaround Marriage is a powerful, Christian, marriage coaching program designed to profoundly turn things around in your marriage – beginning with the individual and letting that spill over into the marriage.

Turnaround Marriage was borne out of seeing how often the system of traditional help was ineffective and broken… from the inside out.

Why Traditional Methods Often Fall Short

After working with families for over 25 years, I began to see how the limited nature of church support was insufficient. It felt impossible to fill in the gaps of the many missing components that most people were lacking in order to have healthy marriages. There were too many things to cover and often I did not know (back then) how to help change very much. And as a pastor, I felt very limited with what I could do.

The truth is, I was OVERWHELMED with the sheer number needing help.

As most pastors do, I began to refer people to outside help, thinking that the professionals could offer what I couldn’t: a strategy that could really help couples quickly. Unfortunately, the truth was that most times it did very little to improve things for those couples.

Often it made it worse.

A God-Inspired Solution

We began to see, years ago, that there needed to be a better way. We felt God was calling us to design something that was a much better way. Something to heal and equip the hurting individual and also provide a godly path toward healing the marriage.

Almost 6 years in, we have helped hundreds of people by equipping them and guiding them towards God’s design for marriage.

And remember – God heals. If there has not been healing – it’s not His fault. It is almost always, we have chosen to believe the Enemy’s lies instead of the Truth. And we often need someone else to help us towards discovering those “footholds.”

That’s a lot of what we do.

The Power of Rapid Transformation

Some say it’s impossible to radically change personal and marriage dynamics in a short time. But hundreds of our clients would disagree.

“I can’t say enough because we have learned so much! We aren’t afraid to talk openly and honestly about how we feel. We don’t poke the bear anymore. Everything feels like we are on a better course because of this program. This has helped us be better people and we are relying on God, which is a big win.” – B & G, recent program participants

Ready for True Healing?

If you’re sick and tired of your current dynamics, it’s time for a change. Even if you’ve tried many things that haven’t worked, even if you feel hopeless – there’s still hope for your marriage.

Start your journey to a transformed marriage today. Visit and watch our masterclass: “The 5 Simple Shifts Christian Couples Make to Completely Turn Their Marriage Around Quickly, Recover Connection, and Fall Back in Love Again (Without Spending Years In Therapy Or Counseling)“. Begin implementing these shifts in your relationship immediately to experience rapid healing and growth, a stronger connection with your spouse, a deeper reliance on God, and practical tools for lasting change.